Water Supply and WW, sewerage and sewage WWTPs:

Reservoirs, ponds and water works:

River channel reconstruction, revitalization and hydrographic infrastructure:

Complex Landscape Adjustment:

Transport infrastructure:

Urban infrastructure:

Engeneering nets:


AGPOL s.r.o., Jungmannova 153/12, 779 00 Olomouc, Tel.: (+420) 585 208 453, email: agpol@agpol.cz
Pobočka Praha: Moskevská 448/42, 101 00 Praha - Vršovice, Tel.: (+420) 585 208 458
Pobočka Nový Jičín: Palackého 50, 741 01 Nový Jičín, Tel.: (+420) 724 075 811
Registered at the Registry Court in Ostrava, section C, folder 44995
Last update: February 6 2025    Visitors: 88704